Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Ikan tenggiri

Di frezerku ada 1/2 kg ikan tenggiri.
enaknya dibilin apa yah?....

pempek? doyan,
siomay? boleh juga tuh,
otak-otak? asik juga kayaknya.

ya udah besok digoreng trus disambelin aja!!! lho????...

Enggak ding, besok dah rencana mo bikin pempej aja. lamaaa..... banget gak bikin. 5 tahun lebih. anakku aja belum pernah tau kalo ibunya bisa bikin makanan yang sedap ini.

baiklah nak, besok akan kau lihat bagaimana ibumu memasak pempek!!

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Earth for our children
The issue of global warming resulting in climate changes on a large scale on this planet has become very common to all levels of society.

Some of us still can only complain and comment without doing anything that had a positive impact of this incident, despite knowing that these are causal of us as well.
Exploitation of natural resources tehadap not diibangi with overcoming the negative impact of such exploitation. Starting from the collection, processing, use and disposal.

But some among us may already understand that positive change always begins with small things on our own. Because of a collection of individuals and collection of small things, will be a collection of diverse individuals in the face of this earth, and a collection of things useful for the survival age of the earth.
It's claimmed with brilliant ideas for environmentally friendly energy sources, efficient and cheap.
Geothermal and solar energy are probably the most sensible solutions to this problem. But again the question arises when we have to deal with the damage and the waste that already exists.
Then some of us were thinking hard and trying to create innovations to overcome the things that were questionable.
Stick to the principle of the Recycle - Reuse - Reduce, they also introduce a great technology to save the planet. At least for treating injuries suffered by our planet.
N-Viro International Corporation has successfully developed several technologies to produce environmentally friendly fuel, efficient and cheap - with the additional consideration of industrial waste processing business.
A big step and very meaningful for all humanity to begin a new lifestyle. Living a healthy and healthful.

Technology developed by N-Viro are appropriate technologies. Like: Processing mixed solid waste land into arable land which ready to plant, soil treatment process that fully free of pests and waste factors, processing organic waste into fertilizer, appropriate, and of course environmentally friendly fuel.
So, we all can use it as a way to use the earth wisely and carefully saving the planet.

Thank you for the technology being introduced, and you have developed. Earth needs more people like you who are in environments.

Save the earth, green earth - green life, great life.

Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Storing food with aluminum foil

As we all know that food is a product that has a limited time period to be well consumed, healthy and of course delicious taste. Far from ordinary foods that we make, the food manufacturers that certainly use any preservatives matters to added, still have quality time limit (expiration), it is usually included with the term of "best before".
And then we all know that the use of foil material is very useful in food preservation are stored. Just make sure that all consumer products that we can buy are always in a foil package, right? Starting from chips, biscuits, nuggets, bacon, cooking, and even cigarettes were covered with a layer of aluminum foil. Even if you buy a chocolate bar must also be protected with the almununium foil, isn't it true?
Okay, we can narrowing the topic of our discussion on one product, chocolate. Why does it use aluminum foil? The explanation is always easy and is associated with preservation of the earth.
  1. By wrapping the chocolate with the aluminum foil, the temperature will be kept locked as stable as it possible so that the integrity of any stay to remaining.
  2. By wrapping chocolate with aluminum foil as well (tight), then the pure chocolate flavor will not be lost because of off to the air, or mixed with other flavors smell from the outside environtment.
  3. Aluminum foil to keep levels closely enough so as not to lose the fat because it is absorbed by other packaging than aluminum foil.
  4. There's something to do by the ions contained in the aluminum can be well symbioting to the chocolate. But, this is can not be certainly as the truth and its benefits reason before it proven.
  5. Aluminum is the material of the earth's minerals, so it's very friendly to the environment. Compare this with the use of plastic waste that needs of millions years for the recycling by the earth - or the use of paper instead spent millions of trees as the lungs of the world - or the use of Styrofoam is very dangerous to our health.
  6. The use of aluminum foil more easily in storage, packaging until the unpackaging to be consume. Imagine if you buy Silver Queen (Chocolate bar) wrapped in plastic, hard to be open to eat ...
From the several factors above, we might conclude that the use of aluminum foil as a wrap in the process of storage or preservation of food while it is the best method that can be applied by humans. Both from the standpoint of food quality, consumer health and environmental friendliness.
Find and choose the best thing to wrap and preserve your food, such as using the alumunium foil.
So what you still will faithfully keep your food in plastic?